Digital management
Within our project we are going to reflect on the usage of different digital tools by youth organizations for their management: collaborative work, planning, making decisions, inner communication etc.
Under digital tools we understand online applications, online platforms and resources, programmes, websites that can make our daily tasks easier to complete. A lot of these can be accessed in web browsers without necessity to be downloaded. For example: Trello, Piktochart, Hootsuite, social media etc.
Field Research on usage of digital tools by youth NGOs
The research had two goals:
1. To have statistics on the usage of digital tools by youth NGOs for their management.
2. To compile digital tools that youth organizations use for their management.
See the results of the Field Reaserch below.
Download the document in pdf format.Field Research
Online platform for peer learning “Be Digital - be effective”
The online platform contains the practical information on the usage of digital tools for the management of youth NGO: digital tools for planning and evaluation of the activities, digital tools for effective teamwork and external and internal communication as well as that the recordings of the webinrs that we were providing during the project duration. Also you can find the space for peer learning where youth workers can share their experiences on usage of the digital tools and others can learn from it. This platform could be interesting for the directors of the youth NGOs and project managers, developing youth projects.
If you want to share your experience, please, contact us turn_online@iwith.org