Online communication
This line of our project will be dedicated on the reflecting on the social communication process and results in the youth field. The main questions that we are going to answer within this reflection are:- How efficient we are in our communication?
- What kind of tools does Internet propose for us in order to reach more audience?
- What kind of messages do we send in order to promote peace and Human Rights?
Digital Guidelines

“How to communicate youth projects, promoting peace and Human Rights”.
Conference day

More then 30 youth workers from Romania, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary and Greece attended the Conference Day and reflected on the issues of efficient communication. Also the live streaming was organized on the Face Book page of our project.
We started the Conference day with the presentation of the project TURN ONline, its objectives and possibilities that it brings to the youth field. As well that, the concept of the Digital Guidelines was presented, that includes the Model of effective communication and some pieces of advice on how to communicate peace and Human Rights.
Then we had very interesting discussion with the invited experts:
- Diana Ionița, communication Specialist and Project Manager (GEYC),
- Nicusor Ciobanu, representative of Romanian National Agency,
- Adina Lupulescu, communication specialist in NGO field,
- Elena Ungureanu, media psychologist.
During this discussion very interesting questions were raised, such as:
- the importance of communication for youth projects implemented within Erasmus Plus Programme,
- networking as a way for strengthening communication in the youth field,
- good practices of effective communication in the youth field,
- humans in the Internet: what Internet brought to our lives.
After short break we started our workshop, based on the ideas included in the Guidelines on communication. The participants had a chance to develop communication strategies for the activities within TURN ONLine project, get feedback from the experts and learn main principles of efficient communication. This work also helped us to see which parts of the Guidelines can be developed better and how to improve the Communication Strategy of the project TURN ONline.